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100% Boost in Engineering and SRE Excellence

Our client sought a solution to fill multiple tech stack roles across Engineering and Site Reliability Engineers (SRE). The challenge was twofold: assisting in the migration to a new Splunk Cloud platform and addressing SRE team staff attrition in the US while growing a UK presence.


Through utilizing our L+n model, we integrated a leader (L) with the Engineering team (+n), initiating work on an automation system that integrates with Splunk and Elastic. Simultaneously, our in-built team structured and processed the creation of communication pathways between the Engineering and SRE teams.

We prioritized training the new SREs in the system while incorporating their feedback as fresh perspectives. The success of this approach led to a second round of SRE intake, establishing a presence in a new time zone entirely staffed by our resources.

increase in SRE team staff numbers, boosting efficiency and output.




  • Customer satisfaction and a valued relationship with the customer led to multiple contract extensions and team growth
  • rovided cost-effective SRE staff augmentation with quality individuals.
  • Provided SREs with both Splunk and Elastic skills, enhancing team flexibility in SRE time allocation and expanding the smaller Elastic team.
  • Customer satisfaction and a valued relationship with the customer led to multiple contract extensions and team growth.

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Why NETbuilder?

We understand the challenges of hiring, training and retaining software engineers and bring decades of experience in software engineering to every project. We understand the skills and processes needed to deliver business-critical systems.

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